REFERENCE TITLE: substance abuse treatment; AHCCCS
State of Arizona
Fifty-fifth Legislature
First Regular Session
SB 1094
Introduced by
Senator Pace
Amending sections 8‑882, 8‑883 and 8‑884, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to substance abuse treatment assistance.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:
Section 1. Section 8-882, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
START_STATUTE8-882. Program development
In assisting the development of community programs, the department of child safety in partnership with the department of health services Arizona health care cost containment system as joint administrators of the fund program shall consider the following issues:
1. The determination of eligibility and a screening process to identify:
(a) A parent, guardian or custodian of a child who is named in a report to the department as a victim of abuse or neglect and whose substance abuse is a significant barrier to maintaining, preserving or reunifying the family.
(b) A person whose substance abuse is a significant barrier to maintaining or obtaining employment if the person is receiving cash assistance pursuant to title 46, chapter 2, article 5.
2. Training and technical assistance to be provided to communities for the development developing and provision of providing the programs.
3. Collaboration among and integration with public and private agencies, programs, service providers, advocates and consumers.
4. Coordination and integration of funding sources to meet prevention, treatment and other service needs.
5. The scope of services to be provided that are family centered and that fit within the following categories:
(a) Substance abuse screening and assessment.
(b) Treatment referral.
(c) Treatment services.
(d) Aftercare.
(e) Service coordination.
(f) Other services necessary to achieve the outcome goals identified in section 8‑884.
6. Procedures for sharing information to assure ensure the well‑being of a child and the person being treated while maintaining confidentiality as otherwise prescribed by statute. These procedures shall include requirements for treatment providers to keep any court timely informed of the nature and status of treatment for a parent, guardian or custodian of a child who is the subject of a dependency action before the court. END_STATUTE
Sec. 2. Section 8-883, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
START_STATUTE8-883. Requirements for contractors
In developing the requirements for contractors who provide prevention and treatment of substance abuse in communities, the department of child safety in partnership with the department of health services Arizona health care cost containment system as joint administrators of the fund program shall:
1. Prescribe that contractors shall develop and implement the program through collaboration with representatives of the community served so that services are provided in a comprehensive and integrated manner that is responsive to cultural, demographic and geographic diversity.
2. Require contractors to specify what outcomes they are addressing, consistent with the requirements prescribed in section 8‑884, and how these outcomes will be achieved.
3. Require contractors to cooperate with the evaluation prescribed in section 8‑884.
4. Prescribe any other requirements necessary to meet the outcome goals identified in section 8‑884. END_STATUTE
Sec. 3. Section 8-884, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
START_STATUTE8-884. Evaluation of community programs; annual report
A. In developing the method of evaluating community substance abuse prevention and treatment programs, the department of child safety in partnership with the department of health services Arizona health care cost containment system as joint administrators of the fund program shall prescribe evaluation factors that are consistent with the following outcome goals:
1. Increase the availability, timeliness and accessibility of substance abuse treatment to improve child safety, family stability and permanency for children in foster care or other out‑of‑home placement, with a preference for reunification with a child's birth family.
2. Increase the availability, timeliness and accessibility of substance abuse treatment to persons receiving temporary assistance for needy families to achieve self‑sufficiency through employment.
3. Increase the availability, timeliness and accessibility of substance abuse treatment to promote recovery from alcohol and drug problems.
B. The department of child safety shall retain a person to evaluate the performance of the contractor for each community program according to the factors developed pursuant to subsection A of this section. The person shall report at least every three months to the department and each contractor on the performance of each contractor. Annually by November 1, the person shall prepare and deliver to the legislature a statewide report concerning the prior fiscal year. END_STATUTE