Assembly Resolution No. 915

BY: M. of A. Rules (Lunsford)

MEMORIALIZING Governor Kathy Hochul to proclaim November 8, 2022, as STEAM Day in the State of New York

WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to recognize official days that are set aside to highlight the significance of strong science, technology, engineering, art and mathmatics skills; and

WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern and in full accord with its long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to memorialize Governor Kathy Hochul to proclaim November 8, 2022, as STEAM Day in the State of New York, in conjunction with the observance of National STEAM Day; and

WHEREAS, Celebrated annually on November 8th, National STEAM Day focuses on helping students advance in STEAM fields as we continue to push the boundaries of exploration and soar into the future; and

WHEREAS, STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math and is a common acronym in the education world to refer to the ways in which these important subjects and skills can be used in schools, future careers, and educational activities; and

WHEREAS, STEAM takes STEM one step further by emphasizing the arts, taking inspiration from the field and applying its concepts in cross-discipline learning that supports creativity in science, mathematics and more; and

WHEREAS, STEAM education programs are a vital component to pushing society forward, and more must be done at a local, State and National level to find fun and engaging ways to teach our students; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to memorialize Governor Kathy Hochul to proclaim November 8, 2022, as STEAM Day in the State of New York; and be it further

RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted to The Honorable Kathy Hochul, Governor of the State of New York.