87R10991 JSC-D By: Parker H.B. No. 2301 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT relating to a change of name for participants in the address confidentiality program administered by the office of the attorney general. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 45.102, Family Code, is amended by adding Subsection (c) to read as follows: (c) A petitioner is not required to provide the street address of the petitioner's place of residence or the petitioner's reason for the requested change of name as otherwise required by Subsection (a) if the petitioner provides a copy of an authorization card certifying in accordance with Article 58.059, Code of Criminal Procedure, that the petitioner is a participant in the address confidentiality program administered by the attorney general under Subchapter B, Chapter 58, Code of Criminal Procedure. SECTION 2. Section 45.103, Family Code, is amended by adding Subsections (a-1) and (c-1) to read as follows: (a-1) For purposes of Subsection (a), it is presumed that a change of name is in the interest or to the benefit of the petitioner and in the interest of the public if the petitioner provides a copy of an authorization card certifying in accordance with Article 58.059, Code of Criminal Procedure, that the petitioner is a participant in the address confidentiality program administered by the attorney general under Subchapter B, Chapter 58, Code of Criminal Procedure. (c-1) An order issued under this section to change the name of a petitioner described by Subsection (a-1) is confidential and may not be released by the court to any person, regardless of whether the petitioner continues to participate in the address confidentiality program following the change of name under this subchapter. SECTION 3. The change in law made by this Act applies only to a petition for a change of name that is submitted on or after the effective date of this Act. SECTION 4. This Act takes effect September 1, 2021.