REFERENCE TITLE: schools; intergenerational poverty; grants
State of Arizona
Fifty-third Legislature
First Regular Session
SB 1275
Introduced by
Senators Worsley: Brophy McGee
amending Title 15, chapter 2, article 1, Arizona Revised Statutes, by adding section 15-220; appropriating monies; relating to the state board of education.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:
Section 1. Title 15, chapter 2, article 1, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 15-220, to read:
START_STATUTE15-220. Intergenerational poverty interventions grant program; requirements; annual report; fund; definitions; program termination
A. The intergenerational poverty interventions grant program is established within the state board of education to provide grants to participating school districts and charter schools to fund additional educational opportunities for eligible pupils that are outside of the regular school day offerings.
B. The state board shall distribute to participating school districts and charter schools monies appropriated for the intergenerational poverty interventions grant program pursuant to this section.
C. The state board shall:
1. Solicit proposals from school districts and charter schools to receive intergenerational poverty interventions grant program monies.
2. Award grants to school districts and charter schools based on criteria prescribed in this section. The state board shall determine the amount of each grant awarded pursuant to this section.
D. In addition to other selection criteria determined by the state board, the state board shall consider all of the following:
1. The percentage of a school district's or charter school's pupils who are classified as children affected by intergenerational poverty.
2. The level of administrative support and leadership at the school district or charter school required to effectively implement, monitor and evaluate intergenerational poverty interventions.
3. A school district's or charter school's commitment and ability to work with the department of economic security, the department of child services, the department of health services and the juvenile division of the superior court to provide services to eligible pupils.
E. To apply for an intergenerational poverty interventions grant, a school district or charter school shall submit a proposal to the state board that includes the following information:
1. The school district's or charter school's strategies to implement intergenerational poverty interventions, including strategies to improve the academic achievement of children affected by intergenerational poverty.
2. The school district's or charter school's strategies for coordinating and engaging with the department of economic security, the department of child services, the department of health services and the juvenile division of the superior court to provide services to eligible pupils.
3. The number of pupils whom the school district or charter school intends to serve, categorized by age and intergenerational poverty status.
4. The number of pupils, eligible pupils and schools for which the school district or charter school intends to provide funding with intergenerational poverty interventions grants.
5. The estimated cost per pupil.
F. The State board shall submit an annual report on or before November 30 to the governor, the speaker of the house of representatives and the president of the senate, and provide a copy to the secretary of state, that includes the following information:
1. The progress of participating school districts and charter schools that receive intergenerational poverty interventions grants.
2. The progress of participating school districts and charter schools in improving the academic achievement of children affected by intergenerational poverty.
3. A description of the efforts made by participating school districts and charter schools to coordinate with the department of economic security, the department of child services, the department of Health services and the juvenile division of the superior court.
G. School districts and charter schools that receive intergenerational poverty interventions grants pursuant to this section shall provide to the state board all information that the state board requests to complete the annual report required by this section.
H. The Intergenerational Poverty Interventions Grants program fund is established. The fund shall be administered by the state board of education. Monies in the fund are continuously appropriated. The state board shall distribute monies from the fund as grants to school districts and charter schools that are selected to participate in the intergenerational poverty interventions grants program.
I. For the purposes of this section:
1. "Eligible pupil" means a pupil who is classified as a child affected by intergenerational poverty.
2. "Intergenerational poverty" means poverty in which two or more successive generations of a family continue in the cycle of poverty and government dependence. Intergenerational poverty does not include situational poverty.
J. The program established by this section ends on July 1, 2027 pursuant to section 41-3102. END_STATUTE
Sec. 2. Appropriation; state board of education; intergenerational poverty interventions grants; exemption
A. The sum of $1,000,000 is appropriated from the state general fund in fiscal year 2017-2018 to the state board of education for deposit in the intergenerational poverty interventions grants program fund established by section 15‑220, Arizona Revised Statutes, as added by this act.
B. The appropriation made in subsection A of this section is exempt from the provisions of section 35-190, Arizona Revised Statutes, relating to lapsing of appropriations.