Act No. 87

Public Acts of 2020

Approved by the Governor

June 11, 2020

Filed with the Secretary of State

June 11, 2020

EFFECTIVE DATE: June 11, 2020

state of michigan

100th Legislature

Regular session of 2020

Introduced by Senator MacGregor


AN ACT to amend 1949 PA 300, entitled An act to provide for the registration, titling, sale, transfer, and regulation of certain vehicles operated upon the public highways of this state or any other place open to the general public or generally accessible to motor vehicles and distressed vehicles; to provide for the licensing of dealers; to provide for the examination, licensing, and control of operators and chauffeurs; to provide for the giving of proof of financial responsibility and security by owners and operators of vehicles; to provide for the imposition, levy, and collection of specific taxes on vehicles, and the levy and collection of sales and use taxes, license fees, and permit fees; to provide for the regulation and use of streets and highways; to create certain funds; to provide penalties and sanctions for a violation of this act; to provide for civil liability of manufacturers, the manufacturers of certain devices, the manufacturers of automated technology, upfitters, owners, and operators of vehicles and service of process on residents and nonresidents; to regulate the introduction and use of certain evidence; to regulate and certify the manufacturers of certain devices; to provide for approval and certification of installers and servicers of certain devices; to provide for the levy of certain assessments; to provide for the enforcement of this act; to provide for the creation of and to prescribe the powers and duties of certain state and local agencies; to impose liability upon the state or local agencies; to provide appropriations for certain purposes; to repeal all other acts or parts of acts inconsistent with this act or contrary to this act; and to repeal certain parts of this act on a specific date, by amending section 625t (MCL 257.625t), as added by 2016 PA 243.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

Sec. 625t. (1) The department of state police may establish a pilot program in this state for roadside drug testing to determine whether an individual is operating a vehicle while under the influence of a controlled substance in violation of section 625.

(2) A pilot program established under this section shall be for a period of 1 calendar year. The funding of a pilot program established under this section is subject to appropriation.

(3) The department of state police shall develop a written policy for the implementation of the pilot program and the administration of roadside drug testing.

(4) The department of state police may promulgate rules under the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328, to implement a pilot program established under this section.

(5) Not more than 90 days after the conclusion of a pilot program established under this section, the department of state police shall submit a report to the legislative committees of the senate and house of representatives with primary responsibility for judicial and criminal justice issues. The report shall cover both of the following:

(a) The different types of law enforcement agencies in the pilot program participant counties that engaged in roadside drug testing.

(b) Relevant statistical data, including, but not limited to, the following:

(i) The number of traffic stops resulting in an arrest for operating under the influence of a controlled substance in violation of section 625 as a result of roadside drug testing by a certified drug recognition expert.

(ii) The number and type of convictions resulting from an arrest made based on the result of a roadside drug test by a certified drug recognition expert.

(6) As used in this section:

(a) Certified drug recognition expert means a law enforcement officer trained to recognize impairment in a driver under the influence of a controlled substance rather than, or in addition to, alcohol.

(b) Controlled substance means that term as defined in section 7104 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.7104.


image001.jpgThis act is ordered to take immediate effect.



Secretary of the Senate


Clerk of the House of Representatives


