AN ACT relative to educational assistance for members of the New Hampshire national guard.
SPONSORS: Sen. D'Allesandro, Dist 20; Sen. Giuda, Dist 2; Sen. Birdsell, Dist 19; Sen. Carson, Dist 14; Sen. Feltes, Dist 15; Sen. Morse, Dist 22; Rep. Ford, Graf. 3; Rep. Ladd, Graf. 4
COMMITTEE: Education and Workforce Development
This bill clarifies postsecondary educational assistance for members of the New Hampshire national guard.
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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.
Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]
Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.
In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Twenty
AN ACT relative to educational assistance for members of the New Hampshire national guard.
Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:
1 Postsecondary Educational Assistance; Definitions. Amend RSA 110-B:63-b, III-VI to read as follows:
III. "Educational assistance" means the waiver of the tuition cost of a course at a state-supported postsecondary institution[, provided that there is space available in that course].
IV. "New Hampshire national guard" means federally-recognized units of the New Hampshire national guard.
V. ["Space available" means any allocated seating in a course not filled by paying students.
VI.] "Tuition" means the total semester, quarter, or classroom hour cost of instruction to the student as established by the university system board of trustees or the board of trustees of the community college system of New Hampshire.
2 Post Educational Assistance; Educational Assistance Authorized; Minimum Requirements. Amend the introductory paragraph of RSA 110-B:63-c to read as follows:
Members of the New Hampshire national guard may take courses tuition-free [on a space available basis] in state-supported postsecondary institutions. In order to be eligible to receive educational assistance under this subdivision, a member of the New Hampshire national guard shall:
3 Postsecondary Educational Assistance: Eligibility. Amend RSA 110-B:63-d to read as follows:
110-B:63-d Eligibility [and Space Availability] Determinations.
[I.] Eligibility for educational assistance provided by this subdivision shall be determined and monitored by the adjutant general, who shall adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, and procedures deemed by the adjutant general to be necessary to carry out and monitor the educational assistance provided by this subdivision.
[II. The chancellor of the university system for the university system and the chancellor of the community college system of New Hampshire for the community college system of New Hampshire shall establish policies for determining when a course has space available.]
4 Postsecondary Educational Assistance; In-State Tuition for New Hampshire National Guard Nonresidents. Amend RSA 110-B:63-f to read as follows:
110-B:63-f In-State Tuition for New Hampshire National Guard Nonresidents. Any member of the New Hampshire national guard who is an otherwise eligible out-of-state resident who cannot qualify for educational assistance under this subdivision[, due to unavailability of space for members attending tuition free,] may take such course at the in-state tuition rate.
5 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.
AN ACT relative to educational assistance for members of the New Hampshire national guard.
FISCAL IMPACT: [ X ] State [ ] County [ ] Local [ ] None
Estimated Increase / (Decrease)
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
FY 2023
Indeterminable Decrease
Indeterminable Decrease
Indeterminable Decrease
Funding Source:
[ ] General [ ] Education [ ] Highway [ X ] Other - Community College System Revenue
This bill clarifies postsecondary educational assistance for members of the New Hampshire national guard. The Community College System of New Hampshire (CCSNH) indicates this bill would alter the existing national guard tuition waiver to remove the provision that enrollment of guard members under the waiver is subject to space availability. The CCSNH assumes the bill could result in a decrease in revenue to the extent tuition waiver students supplant tuition-paying students. Such decrease is indeterminable.
The University System of New Hampshire indicates there would be no fiscal impact to the University System because the proposed bill would align the statute with the USNH institutions current practices.
The Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services indicates there would be no fiscal impact on the Department.
It is assumed this bill will not take effect until FY 2021.
Community College System of New Hampshire, University System of New Hampshire and Department of Military Affairs and Veterans Services