By: Wilson, Murr, Lang, et al. H.B. No. 1574       A BILL TO BE ENTITLED   AN ACT   relating to documentation regarding an arrest of a person without a   warrant.          BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS:          SECTION 1.  Chapter 14, Code of Criminal Procedure, is   amended by adding Article 14.052 to read as follows:          Art. 14.052.  AFFIDAVIT REQUIRED AFTER ARREST WITHOUT   WARRANT. (a) A peace officer who arrests a person without a   warrant shall, as soon as practicable but before the person is taken   before a magistrate as provided by Article 14.06:                (1)  prepare an affidavit containing a statement of the   probable cause for the arrest; and                (2)  either:                      (A)  file the affidavit with the magistrate before   whom the defendant is to be taken; or                      (B)  give the affidavit to the officer to whom   custody of the person is transferred.          (b)  The affidavit must be in writing. An affidavit in an   electronic format with an electronic signature satisfies the   requirements of this subsection.          (c)  If a peace officer arrests a person without a warrant   for an offense punishable by a fine only, the affidavit required by   Subsection (a) must include a statement of the reason the officer   determined that it was necessary to arrest the person and take the   person or have the person taken before a magistrate as provided by   Article 14.06, instead of issuing to the person a citation   containing written notice of the time and place the person must   appear before a magistrate.          SECTION 2.  Article 17.033(a), Code of Criminal Procedure,   is amended to read as follows:          (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), a person who is   arrested without a warrant and who is detained in jail must be   released on bond, in an amount not to exceed $5,000, not later than   the 24th hour after the person's arrest if the person was arrested   for a misdemeanor and a magistrate has not determined whether   probable cause exists to believe that the person committed the   offense or an affidavit meeting the requirements of Article 14.052   has not been filed with the court. If the person is unable to obtain   a surety for the bond or unable to deposit money in the amount of the   bond, the person must be released on personal bond.          SECTION 3.  The change in law made by this Act applies only   to a person who is arrested on or after the effective date of this   Act. A person arrested before the effective date of this Act is   governed by the law in effect on the date the person was arrested,   and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.          SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2017.