88R13607 JG-F By: Garcia, Lopez of Bexar, Bumgarner, Gates, H.B. No. 3220 Anderson, et al. A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT relating to an assessment on the use of surplus government property to provide housing to homeless veterans. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS. In this Act: (1) "Council" means the Texas Coordinating Council for Veterans Services established by Section 434.152, Government Code. (2) "Surplus government property" means unused or underused federal, state, or local property, including real property, historic buildings, residential buildings, and commercial buildings. (3) "Workgroup" means the workgroup established under Section 2 of this Act. SECTION 2. ASSESSMENT; WORKGROUP. (a) The council shall establish and oversee a workgroup to assess the feasibility of using surplus government property to provide housing to homeless veterans. (b) The workgroup is composed of the executive head of each of the following state agencies or that person's designee: (1) the Texas Veterans Commission; (2) the General Land Office; (3) the Veterans' Land Board; and (4) the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs. (c) The council may by a majority vote include in the workgroup the executive head of any other state agency not listed in Subsection (b) of this section or that person's designee. (d) In conducting the assessment under this section, the workgroup: (1) shall: (A) evaluate the availability of surplus government property in this state and the feasibility of developing housing units on that property to provide housing to homeless veterans; (B) identify potential funding sources to develop housing units on surplus government property, including: (i) federal historic tax credits; (ii) federal housing tax credits; (iii) corporate and private donations; (iv) other existing state and federal funding sources; and (v) proposed tenant rent payments; and (C) identify veteran subpopulations that will most benefit from a program that facilitates the use or development of surplus government property to provide housing to homeless veterans; and (2) may consult with: (A) local housing authorities; (B) affordable housing developers; and (C) organizations and persons with appropriate and relevant expertise on the housing needs of veterans. SECTION 3. REPORT. Not later than November 1, 2024, the workgroup shall prepare and submit to the legislature a written report summarizing the results of the assessment conducted under this Act. SECTION 4. EXPIRATION. This Act expires September 1, 2025. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Act takes effect September 1, 2023.