85R25334 LHC-D By: White H.B. No. 3519 Substitute the following for H.B. No. 3519: By: Dutton C.S.H.B. No. 3519 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT relating to the ability of a child, parent, or other person responsible for a child's support to pay juvenile probation fees or court costs and fees imposed by a juvenile court. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 53.03(d), Family Code, is amended to read as follows: (d) The juvenile board may adopt a fee schedule for deferred prosecution services [and rules for the waiver of a fee for financial hardship] in accordance with guidelines that the Texas Juvenile Justice Department shall provide. The maximum fee is $15 a month. If the board adopts a schedule, subject to Section 53.031 [and rules for waiver], the probation officer or other designated officer of the court shall collect the fee authorized by the schedule from the parent, guardian, or custodian of a child for whom a deferred prosecution is authorized under this section or waive the fee in accordance with Section 53.031 [the rules adopted by the board]. The officer shall deposit the fees received under this section in the county treasury to the credit of a special fund that may be used only for juvenile probation or community-based juvenile corrections services or facilities in which a juvenile may be required to live while under court supervision. If the board does not adopt a schedule [and rules for waiver], a fee for deferred prosecution services may not be imposed. SECTION 2. Chapter 53, Family Code, is amended by adding Section 53.031 to read as follows: Sec. 53.031. DEFERRED PROSECUTION SERVICES FEE. (a) Before a probation officer or other designated officer of the court may collect a deferred prosecution services fee from a parent or other person responsible for the child's support under Section 53.03(d), the officer shall conduct an assessment to determine whether the payment of the fee, in whole or in part, would cause undue hardship. (b) A parent or other person responsible for the child's support must be given the opportunity to provide documentation that: (1) the household of the parent or other person earns not more than 125 percent of the income standards established by applicable federal poverty guidelines; or (2) the parent, other person, or family of the parent or other person currently receives assistance or benefits under: (A) the child health plan program under Chapter 62, Health and Safety Code; (B) the financial assistance program under Chapter 31, Human Resources Code; (C) the medical assistance program under Chapter 32, Human Resources Code; (D) the supplemental nutrition assistance program under Chapter 33, Human Resources Code; (E) the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program; or (F) the federal special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children authorized by 42 U.S.C. Section 1786. (c) The probation officer or other designated officer of the court shall make a finding that the payment of a fee would cause undue hardship and waive the fee under Section 53.03(d) if the parent or other person provides the documentation under Subsection (b). (d) In determining whether the fee would cause undue hardship for a parent or other person whose payment is not waived under Subsection (c), the officer shall consider whether the person could reasonably pay the required obligation after the person discharged the person's other important financial obligations, including payments for housing, food, utilities, necessary clothing, education, and preexisting debts. (e) If the probation officer or other designated officer of the court determines under Subsection (d) that the parent or other person is unable to pay the fee in whole or in part without experiencing undue hardship, the officer shall waive the fee or collect a reduced fee in an amount that the officer determines will not cause an undue hardship. SECTION 3. Chapter 54, Family Code, is amended by adding Section 54.021 to read as follows: Sec. 54.021. COURT-ORDERED FEE OR COST. (a) Before a court may impose a fee or cost on a child, parent, or other person responsible for the child's support, the court shall conduct an assessment to determine whether the fee or cost would cause undue hardship. (b) The court shall make a finding that the child, parent, or other person is unable to pay a fee or cost without experiencing undue hardship and waive the fee or cost if the parent or other person provides documentation that: (1) the household of the child, parent, or other person earns not more than 125 percent of the income standards established by applicable federal poverty guidelines; or (2) the child, parent, or other person or family of the child, parent, or other person currently receives assistance or benefits under: (A) the child health plan program under Chapter 62, Health and Safety Code; (B) the financial assistance program under Chapter 31, Human Resources Code; (C) the medical assistance program under Chapter 32, Human Resources Code; (D) the supplemental nutrition assistance program under Chapter 33, Human Resources Code; (E) the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program; or (F) the federal special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children authorized by 42 U.S.C. Section 1786. (c) In determining whether a fee or cost would cause undue hardship for a child, parent, or other person whose payment is not waived under Subsection (b), the court shall consider whether the person could reasonably pay the court-ordered obligation after the person discharged the person's other important financial obligations, including payments for housing, food, utilities, necessary clothing, education, and preexisting debts. (d) A court that makes a finding under Subsection (c) that the child, parent, or other person is unable to pay the fee or cost in whole or in part without experiencing undue hardship shall waive the fee or order the child, parent, or other person to pay a reduced fee or cost in an amount that the court finds would not cause an undue hardship. (e) The inability of the child, parent, or other person responsible for the child's support to pay any fee or cost related to the child's case may not result in: (1) the child being denied access to a more favorable disposition of the child's case, programming, or treatment; (2) the child's probation or supervision being extended; or (3) additional punishment for the child. SECTION 4. Section 54.032, Family Code, is amended by adding Subsection (i) to read as follows: (i) The court shall waive or reduce a fee under Subsection (e), (g), or (h) if the court makes a finding under Section 54.021 that the child is unable to pay the fee in whole or in part without experiencing undue hardship. SECTION 5. Section 54.0325, Family Code, is amended by adding Subsection (j) to read as follows: (j) The court shall waive or reduce a fee under Subsection (g) or (h) if the court makes a finding under Section 54.021 that the child is unable to pay the fee in whole or in part without experiencing undue hardship. SECTION 6. Section 54.0404(b), Family Code, is amended to read as follows: (b) A juvenile court that enters an order under Subsection (a) shall require the child or the child's parent or other person responsible for the child's support to pay the cost of attending an educational program under Subsection (a) if the court determines that the child, parent, or other person is financially able to make payment. The court shall waive or reduce the cost of attending the program if the court makes a finding under Section 54.021 that the child, parent, or other person is unable to pay the cost in whole or in part without experiencing undue hardship. SECTION 7. Section 54.041, Family Code, is amended by adding Subsection (a-1) to read as follows: (a-1) The court shall waive or reduce the cost of attending treatment programs under Subsection (a)(4) if the court makes a finding under Section 54.021 that the parent or other person is unable to pay the cost in whole or in part without experiencing undue hardship. SECTION 8. Section 54.0411, Family Code, is amended by adding Subsection (a-1) to read as follows: (a-1) The court shall waive or reduce the fee under Subsection (a) if the court makes a finding under Section 54.021 that the child, parent, or other person is unable to pay the fee in whole or in part without experiencing undue hardship. SECTION 9. Section 54.0461(c), Family Code, is amended to read as follows: (c) The court shall waive or reduce the fee under this section if [If] the court makes a finding under Section 54.021 [finds] that a child, parent, or other person responsible for the child's support is unable to pay the juvenile delinquency prevention fee required under Subsection (a) in whole or in part without experiencing undue hardship. The [, the] court shall enter into the child's case records a statement of that finding. [The court may waive a fee under this section only if the court makes the finding under this subsection.] SECTION 10. Section 54.0462(c), Family Code, is amended to read as follows: (c) The court shall waive or reduce the fee under Subsection (a) if [If] the court makes a finding under Section 54.021 [finds] that a child, parent, or other person responsible for the child's support is unable to pay the fee required under Subsection (a) in whole or in part without experiencing undue hardship. The [, the] court shall enter into the child's case records a statement of that finding. [The court may waive a fee under this section only if the court makes the finding under this subsection.] SECTION 11. Section 54.047(f), Family Code, is amended to read as follows: (f) If the court orders a child under Subsection (a) or (b) to attend a drug education program or alcohol awareness program, [unless the court determines that the parent or guardian of the child is indigent and unable to pay the cost,] the court shall require the child's parent or other person responsible for the child's support [a guardian of the child] to pay the cost of attending the program. The court shall allow the child's parent or other person [guardian] to pay the cost of attending the program in installments. The court shall waive or reduce the cost of attending the program if the court makes a finding under Section 54.021 that the parent or other person is unable to pay the cost in whole or in part without experiencing undue hardship. SECTION 12. Section 54.06, Family Code, is amended by adding Subsection (a-1) to read as follows: (a-1) The court shall waive or reduce the payment for support under Subsection (a) if the court makes a finding under Section 54.021 that the parent or other person is unable to make the payment in whole or in part without experiencing undue hardship. SECTION 13. Section 54.061(d), Family Code, is amended to read as follows: (d) The court shall waive or reduce the fee under Subsection (a) if [If] the court makes a finding under Section 54.021 [finds] that a child, parent, or other person responsible for the child's support is financially unable to pay the probation fee required under Subsection (a) in whole or in part without experiencing undue hardship. The [, the] court shall enter into the records of the child's case a statement of that finding. [The court may waive a fee under this section only if the court makes the finding under this subsection.] SECTION 14. The changes in law made by this Act apply only to a fee, cost, or other payment imposed on or after the effective date of this Act. A fee, cost, or other payment imposed before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the date the fee, cost, or payment was imposed, and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose. SECTION 15. Section 51.607, Government Code, does not apply to the change in the amount of fees or court costs made by this Act. SECTION 16. This Act takes effect September 1, 2017.