Senate Engrossed
unclaimed property; department of revenue
State of Arizona
Fifty-seventh Legislature
First Regular Session
An Act
amending title 44, chapter 3, article 1, Arizona Revised Statutes, by adding section 44-304.01; amending section 44-317, Arizona Revised Statutes; related to unclaimed property.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:
Section 1. Title 44, chapter 3, article 1, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding section 44-304.01, to read:
START_STATUTE44-304.01. Taking custody; unclaimed property; presumption of abandonment; politicalaction committee; committee; definitions
A. Property that is held by a committee or a political action committee is presumed abandoned one year after the expiration of the committee or political action committee if the property is not claimed by the rightful owner.
B. Notwithstanding any other law, if a committee's or a political action committee's property is abandoned, a parent, spouse, sibling or child of the rightful owner of the property described by subsection A of THIs section may claim the property for the rightful owner of the committee or the political action committee.
C. For the purposes of this section, "committee" and "political action committee" have the same meanings prescribed in section 16-901.END_STATUTE
Sec. 2. Section 44-317, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
START_STATUTE44-317. Filing claim with department
A. Any person, excluding another state, who claims property that was paid or delivered to the department may file a claim on a form prescribed by the department and verified by the claimant.
B. Within ninety thirty days after a claim is filed, the department shall allow or deny the claim and shall give written notice of the decision to the claimant. If the claim is denied, the department shall inform the claimant of the reasons for the denial and shall specify what additional evidence is required before the claim will be allowed. The claimant may then file a new claim with the department or may maintain an action pursuant to section 44-318.
C. Within thirty days after a claim is allowed filed with the department, the department shall deliver the property or pay the net proceeds of a sale of the property to the claimant if the department allows the claim, including any dividend, interest or other increment to which the claimant is entitled pursuant to sections 44-311 and 44-312.
D. A holder who pays the owner for property that has been delivered to the department and that if claimed from the department by the owner would be subject to an increment pursuant to sections 44-311 and 44-312 shall recover from the department the amount of the increment.
E. Notwithstanding any other maximum time period that is specified in a statute, contract or court order to commence or enforce an action to obtain payment of a claim for monies or recovery of property, a person may file a claim under subsection A of this section within thirty-five years after the final day of the fiscal year in which the department receives the unclaimed property. END_STATUTE