88R5801 JTZ-F By: Zaffirini S.B. No. 1730 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT relating to the processing of United States passport applications by a district court clerk; authorizing fees. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Sections 51.3031(a) and (b), Government Code, are amended to read as follows: (a) A district clerk may perform all duties necessary to process an application for a United States passport, including taking passport photographs and selling money orders to applicants for payment purposes. (b) To recover the costs of taking passport photographs and selling money orders, a district clerk may collect [a] reasonable fees for the provided services [fee] in amounts [an amount] set by the commissioners court of the county in which the district clerk's office is located. SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2023.