REFERENCE TITLE: nursing board; rules; abortion
State of Arizona
Fifty-third Legislature
First Regular Session
SB 1486
Introduced by
Senator Mendez: Representatives Blanc, Powers Hannley, Salman
Amending section 32‑1606, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to the Arizona state board of nursing.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:
Section 1. Section 32-1606, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
START_STATUTE32-1606. Powers and duties of board
A. The board may:
1. Adopt and revise rules necessary to carry into effect this chapter.
2. Publish advisory opinions regarding registered and practical nursing practice and nursing education.
3. Issue limited licenses or certificates if it determines that an applicant or licensee cannot function safely in a specific setting or within the full scope of practice.
4. Refer criminal violations of this chapter to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
5. Establish a confidential program for the monitoring of licensees who are chemically dependent and who enroll in rehabilitation programs that meet the criteria established by the board. The board may take further action if the licensee refuses to enter into a stipulated agreement or fails to comply with its terms. In order to protect the public health and safety, the confidentiality requirements of this paragraph do not apply if the licensee does not comply with the stipulated agreement.
6. On the applicant's or regulated party's request, establish a payment schedule with the applicant or regulated party.
7. Provide education regarding board functions.
8. Collect or assist in the collection of workforce data.
9. Adopt rules for conducting pilot programs consistent with public safety for innovative applications in nursing practice, education and regulation.
10. Grant retirement status on request to retired nurses who are or were licensed under this chapter, who have no open complaint or investigation pending against them and who are not subject to discipline.
11. Accept and spend federal monies and private grants, gifts, contributions and devises to assist in carrying out the purposes of this chapter. These monies do not revert to the state general fund at the end of the fiscal year.
B. The board shall:
1. Approve regulated training and educational programs that meet the requirements of this chapter and rules adopted by the board.
2. By rule, establish approval and reapproval processes for nursing and nursing assistant training programs that meet the requirements of this chapter and board rules.
3. Prepare and maintain a list of approved nursing programs for the preparation of registered and practical nurses whose graduates are eligible for licensing under this chapter as registered nurses or as practical nurses if they satisfy the other requirements of this chapter and board rules.
4. Examine qualified registered and practical nurse applicants.
5. License and renew the licenses of qualified registered and practical nurse applicants and licensed nursing assistants who are not qualified to be licensed by the executive director.
6. Adopt a seal, which the executive director shall keep.
7. Keep a record of all proceedings.
8. For proper cause, deny or rescind approval of a regulated training or educational program for failure to comply with this chapter or the rules of the board.
9. Adopt rules for the approval of credential evaluation services that evaluate the qualifications of applicants who graduated from an international nursing program.
10. Determine and administer appropriate disciplinary action against all regulated parties who are found guilty of violating this chapter or rules adopted by the board.
11. Perform functions necessary to carry out the requirements of nursing assistant and nurse aide training and competency evaluation program as set forth in the omnibus budget reconciliation act of 1987 (P.L. 100‑203; 101 Stat. 1330), as amended by the medicare catastrophic coverage act of 1988 (P.L. 100‑360; 102 Stat. 683). These functions shall include:
(a) Testing and registration of certified nursing assistants.
(b) Testing and licensing of licensed nursing assistants.
(c) Maintaining a list of board‑approved training programs.
(d) Maintaining a registry of nursing assistants for all certified nursing assistants and licensed nursing assistants.
(e) Assessing fees.
12. Adopt rules establishing those acts that may be performed by a registered nurse practitioner in collaboration with a licensed physician, except that the board does not have authority to decide scope of practice relating to abortion as defined in section 36‑2151.
13. Adopt rules establishing educational requirements for the certification of school nurses.
14. Publish copies of board rules and distribute these copies on request.
15. Require each applicant for initial licensure or certification to submit a full set of fingerprints to the board for the purpose of obtaining a state and federal criminal records check pursuant to section 41‑1750 and Public Law 92‑544. The department of public safety may exchange this fingerprint data with the federal bureau of investigation.
16. Except for a licensee who has been convicted of a felony that has been designated a misdemeanor pursuant to section 13‑604, revoke a license of a person, revoke the multistate licensure privilege of a person pursuant to section 32‑1669 or not issue a license or renewal to an applicant who has one or more felony convictions and who has not received an absolute discharge from the sentences for all felony convictions three or more years before the date of filing an application pursuant to this chapter.
17. Establish standards for approving and reapproving nurse practitioner and clinical nurse specialist programs and provide for surveys of nurse practitioner and clinical nurse specialist programs as it deems necessary.
18. Provide the licensing authorities of health care institutions, facilities and homes any information the board receives regarding practices that place a patient's health at risk.
19. Limit the multistate licensure privilege of any person who holds or applies for a license in this state pursuant to section 32‑1668.
20. Adopt rules to establish competency standards for obtaining and maintaining a license.
21. Adopt rules for the qualification and certification of clinical nurse specialists.
22. Adopt rules for approval and reapproval of refresher courses for nurses who are not currently practicing.
23. Maintain a list of approved medication assistant training programs.
24. Test and certify medication assistants.
25. Maintain a registry and disciplinary record of medication assistants who are certified pursuant to this chapter.
C. The board may conduct an investigation on receipt of information that indicates that a person or regulated party may have violated this chapter or a rule adopted pursuant to this chapter. Following the investigation, the board may take disciplinary action pursuant to this chapter.
D. The board may limit, revoke or suspend the privilege of a nurse to practice in this state granted pursuant to section 32‑1668.
E. Failure to comply with any final order of the board, including an order of censure or probation, is cause for suspension or revocation of a license or a certificate.
F. The president or a member of the board designated by the president may administer oaths in transacting the business of the board. END_STATUTE