By: Pickett H.B. No. 3777 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT relating to fees collected for processing and handling vehicle registration applications. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Sec. 502.1911. REGISTRATION PROCESSING AND HANDLING FEE. (a) The department may collect a fee, in addition to other registration fees for the issuance of a license plate, a set of license plates, or another device used as the registration insignia, to cover the expenses of collecting those registration fees, including a service charge for registration by mail. (b) The board by rule shall set the fee in an amount that: (1) includes the fee established under Section 502.356(a); and (2) is sufficient to cover the expenses associated with collecting registration fees by: (A) the department; (B) a county tax assessor-collector; (C) a private entity with which a county tax assessor-collector contracts under Section 502.197; or (D) a deputy assessor-collector that is deputized in accordance with board rule under Section 520.0071. (c) The county tax assessor-collector, a private entity with which a county tax assessor-collector contracts under Section 502.197, or a deputy assessor-collector may retain a portion of the fee collected under Subsection (b) as provided by board rule. Remaining amounts collected under this section shall be deposited to the credit of the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles fund. SECTION 2. Section 502.197(b), Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: (b) With the approval of the commissioners court of a county, a county assessor-collector may contract with a private entity to enable an applicant for registration to use an electronic off-premises location. A private entity may collect a service charge in [retain] an amount determined by the board [under Section 502.1911] for the service provided. SECTION 3. Section 502.198(a), Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) Except as provided by Sections 502.058, 502.060, [502.1911,] 502.192, and 502.357, this section applies to all fees collected by a county assessor-collector under this chapter. SECTION 4. Sections 520.006(a) and (a-1), Transportation Code, are amended to read as follows: (a) A county assessor-collector shall collect a service charge of $1.95 from each applicant registering a vehicle [retain an amount determined by the board under Section 502.1911 for each receipt issued] under Chapter 502. (a-1) A county assessor-collector collecting fees on behalf of a county that has been declared as a disaster area or that is closed for a protracted period of time as defined by the department for purposes of Section 501.023 or 502.040 may retain the service charge authorized under Subsection (a) and any other commission for fees collected under Chapter 501 or 502, but shall allocate any other [the] fees that county assessor-collectors are authorized to retain under Chapter 501 or 502 to the county declared as a disaster area or that is closed for a protracted period of time. SECTION 5. Sections 502.191(f) and 502.197(a), Transportation Code, are repealed. SECTION 6. This Act takes effect September 1, 2017.