November 7, 2017, Introduced by Rep. Albert and referred to the Committee on Law and Justice.


     A bill to amend 2016 PA 281, entitled


"Medical marihuana facilities licensing act,"


by amending section 206 (MCL 333.27206).




     Sec. 206. The department, in consultation with the board,


shall promulgate rules and emergency rules as necessary to


implement, administer, and enforce this act. The rules shall ensure


the safety, security, and integrity of the operation of marihuana


facilities, and shall include rules to do the following:


     (a) Set appropriate standards for marihuana facilities and


associated equipment.


     (b) Subject to section 408, establish minimum levels of


insurance that licensees must maintain.


     (c) Establish operating regulations for each category of


license to ensure the health, safety, and security of the public


and the integrity of marihuana facility operations.


     (d) Establish qualifications and restrictions for persons


participating in or involved with operating marihuana facilities.


     (e) Establish testing standards, procedures, and requirements


for marihuana sold through provisioning centers.


     (f) Provide for the levy and collection of fines for a


violation of this act or rules.


     (g) Prescribe use of the statewide monitoring system to track


all marihuana transfers, as provided in the marihuana tracking act,


2016 PA 282, MCL 333.27901 to 333.27904, and this act and provide


for a funding mechanism to support the system.


     (h) Establish quality control standards, procedures, and


requirements for marihuana facilities.


     (i) Establish chain of custody standards, procedures, and


requirements for marihuana facilities.


     (j) Establish standards, procedures, and requirements for


waste product disposal and storage by marihuana facilities.


     (k) Establish chemical storage standards, procedures, and


requirements for marihuana facilities.


     (l) Establish standards, procedures, and requirements for


securely and safely transporting marihuana between marihuana




     (m) Establish standards, procedures, and requirements for the


storage of marihuana by marihuana facilities.


     (n) Establish labeling and packaging standards, procedures,

and requirements for marihuana sold or transferred through


provisioning centers, including, a but not limited to:


     (i) A prohibition on labeling or packaging that is intended to


appeal to or has the effect of appealing to minors.


     (ii) A requirement that all marihuana sold through


provisioning centers includes a health warning for women who are


pregnant and women who are breastfeeding.


     (o) Establish daily purchasing limits at provisioning centers


for registered qualifying patients and registered primary


caregivers to ensure compliance with the Michigan medical marihuana




     (p) Establish marketing and advertising restrictions for


marihuana products and marihuana facilities.


     (q) Establish maximum tetrahydrocannabinol levels for


marihuana-infused products sold or transferred through provisioning




     (r) Establish health standards to ensure the safe preparation


of products containing marihuana that are intended for human


consumption in a manner other than smoke inhalation.


     (s) Establish restrictions on edible marihuana-infused


products to prohibit shapes that would appeal to minors.