88R10057 DRS-D By: Spiller H.B. No. 3470 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT relating to the authority of the attorney general to acquire by eminent domain certain real property owned by aliens or foreign entities. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Title 4, Property Code, is amended by adding Chapter 21A to read as follows: CHAPTER 21A. ACQUISITION BY EMINENT DOMAIN OF CERTAIN FOREIGN-OWNED REAL PROPERTY Sec. 21A.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: (1) "Alien" means a citizen of a country other than the United States. (2) "Critical infrastructure" means infrastructure in one of the following categories: (A) chemical; (B) commercial facilities; (C) communications; (D) critical manufacturing; (E) dams; (F) defense industrial bases; (G) emergency services; (H) energy; (I) financial services; (J) food and agriculture; (K) government facilities; (L) health care and public health; (M) information technology; (N) nuclear reactors, materials, and waste; (O) transportation systems; or (P) water and wastewater systems. (3) "Foreign" means created or organized in a country other than the United States or under the law of a country other than the United States. Sec. 21A.002. APPLICABILITY. This chapter applies to real property in this state that is owned by an alien, foreign business, or foreign government, or an agent, trustee, or fiduciary of an alien, foreign business, or foreign government. Sec. 21A.003. EMINENT DOMAIN; COURT PROCEEDING. (a) The attorney general may bring an action to obtain a court order under Subsection (c) authorizing the attorney general to initiate an eminent domain proceeding to acquire real property owned by an alien or foreign entity as described by Section 21A.002 if the attorney general has reason to believe and shows that the real property is being used in a manner that: (1) violates state or federal law; or (2) creates a risk to the state's critical infrastructure. (b) An action under this section may be brought in a district court in the county where all or part of the real property that is the subject of the action is located. (c) If the district court finds that the attorney general has made the showing required by Subsection (a), the court shall enter an order stating that finding. (d) On entry of the district court's order under Subsection (c), the attorney general may initiate eminent domain proceedings to acquire the real property. (e) Chapter 21 governs the procedure for an eminent domain proceeding initiated in accordance with this chapter. Chapter 2206, Government Code, and Subchapter E, Chapter 21, of this code do not apply to an eminent domain proceeding initiated in accordance with this chapter. Sec. 21A.004. STATE MANAGEMENT OF ACQUIRED REAL PROPERTY. Real property acquired by eminent domain under Section 21A.003 shall be owned by this state and managed by the General Land Office. SECTION 2. As soon as practicable after the effective date of this Act, the attorney general shall adopt rules for the implementation of Chapter 21A, Property Code, as added by this Act. SECTION 3. This Act takes effect September 1, 2023.