REFERENCE TITLE: horse racing; geofencing; wagering; licensing
State of Arizona
Fifty-fifth Legislature
Second Regular Session
SB 1442
Introduced by
Senators Shope: Gowan, Kerr
amending sections 5-101 and 5-104, arizona revised statutes; amending title 5, chapter 1, article 1, arizona revised statutes, by adding sections 5-119 and 5-120; related to horse racing.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:
Section 1. Section 5-101, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
START_STATUTE5-101. Definitions
In this article, unless the context otherwise requires:
1. "Additional wagering facility" means a facility that is not the enclosure in which authorized racing takes place but that meets the requirements of section 5-111, subsection A and is used by a permittee for handling pari-mutuel wagering.
2. "Advance deposit wagering" means a form of pari-mutuel wagering that allows a person to deposit monies in advance in an account with an advance deposit provider and use the monies to pay for pari-mutuel wagering on live or simulcast racing that the advance deposit pari-mutuel wagering permittee accepts or makes.
3. "Advance deposit wagering provider" means a betting system or multijurisdictional wagering provider that is authorized licensed to conduct advance deposit wagering pursuant to this article.
4. "Applicant" means a person, partnership, association or corporation placing before the department an application for a permit or license.
5. "Association" means a body of persons, corporations, partnerships or associations, united and acting together without a charter from the state for the prosecution of some common enterprise.
6. "Commercial horse racing" means horse racing conducted other than by a county fair association.
7. "Commission" means the Arizona racing commission.
8. "Concessionaire" means a person, partnership, association or corporation that offers goods or services for sale to the public, a permittee or a licensee at an enclosure in which authorized racing takes place or an additional wagering facility.
9. "County fair facility" means any place, enclosure or track constructed in accordance with a permit issued by the commission for the purpose of running county fair horse racing dates as well as any commercial dates for horse racing that may be awarded by the commission in reference to the location.
10. "County fair racing association" means an association duly authorized by the board of supervisors to conduct a county fair racing meeting for the benefit of the county.
11. "Dark day simulcast" means a simulcast received on a day when there are no posted races conducted at the enclosure in which authorized racing takes place.
12. "Department" means the department of gaming.
13. "Desensitized" means that a horse's legs on arrival at the receiving barn or saddling paddock do not respond appropriately to tests for feeling administered by an official veterinarian.
14. "Director" means the director of the department of gaming.
15. "Dog racing" means racing in which greyhound dogs chase a mechanical lure.
16. "Entered" means that a horse or dog has been registered with an authorized racing official as a participant in a specified race and has not been withdrawn prior to before presentation of the horse or dog for inspection and testing as provided in section 5-105.
17. "Financial interest" means any direct pecuniary interest.
18. "Firm" means a business unit or enterprise that transacts business.
19. "Handle" means the total amount of money contributed to all pari-mutuel pools by bettors.
20. "Harness racing" means horse racing in which the horses are harnessed to a sulky, carriage or similar vehicle and driven by a driver.
21. "Horse racing" means racing in which horses are mounted and ridden by jockeys. For purposes of county fair racing meetings, "horse racing" means racing in which horses or mules are mounted and ridden by jockeys.
22. "License" means the license issued by the department to each employee or other person participating in any capacity in a racing meeting, including officials and employees of the pari-mutuel department and advance deposit wagering providers.
23. "Pari-mutuel wagering" means a system of betting that provides for the distribution among the winning patrons of at least the total amount wagered less minus the amount withheld under state law.
24. "Permit" means a permit for a racing meeting issued under this article.
25. "Racing meeting" means a number of days of racing allotted by the commission in one permit.
26. "Simulcast" means the telecast shown within this state of live audio and visual signals of horse, harness or dog races conducted at an out-of-state track or the telecast shown outside this state of live audio and visual signals of horse or harness races originating within this state for the purpose of pari-mutuel wagering.
27. "Source market fee" means the fee that an advance deposit wagering provider pays to a commercial permittee in the state where the advance deposit wagering customer resides.
28. "Telephone" means any device that a person uses for voice communications in connection with the services of a telephone company.
29. "Unauthorized racing meeting" means any racing meeting conducted outside the bounds of a permit.
30. "Undesirable" includes known bookmakers, touts, persons convicted of a violation of this article or of any law prohibiting bookmaking or any other illegal forms of wagering, or any other person whose presence would, in the opinion of the director, be inimical to the interests of the state.
31. "Week" means seven consecutive days beginning on Monday and ending on Sunday, mountain standard time. END_STATUTE
Sec. 2. Section 5-104, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
START_STATUTE5-104. Arizona racing commission; director; division; powers and duties
A. The commission shall:
1. Issue racing dates.
2. Prepare and adopt complete rules to govern the racing meetings that are required to protect and promote the safety and welfare of the animals participating in racing meetings, to protect and promote public health, safety and the proper conduct of racing and pari-mutuel wagering and any other matter pertaining to the proper conduct of racing within this state.
3. Conduct hearings on applications for permits and approve permits and shall conduct rehearings on licensing and regulatory decisions made by the director as required pursuant to rules adopted by the commission.
4. Conduct all reviews of applications to construct capital improvements at racetracks as provided in this chapter.
B. The director shall license personnel and shall regulate and supervise all racing meetings held and pari-mutuel wagering conducted in this state and cause the various places where racing meetings are held and wagering is conducted to be visited and inspected on a regular basis. The director may delegate to stewards any of the director's powers and duties that are necessary to fully carry out and effectuate the purposes of this chapter. The director shall exercise immediate supervision over the division. The director is subject to ongoing supervision by the commission, and the commission may approve or reject decisions of the director in accordance with rules established by the commission.
C. The commission or the division is authorized to allow stewards, with the written approval of the director, to require a jockey, apprentice jockey, sulky driver, groom, horseshoer, outrider, trainer, assistant trainer, exercise rider, pony rider, starter, assistant starter, jockey's agent, veterinarian, assistant veterinarian, cool-out, security or maintenance worker, official or individual licensed in an occupational category whose role requires direct hands-on contact with horses, while on the grounds of a permittee, to submit to a test if the stewards have reason to believe the licensee is under the influence of or unlawfully in possession of any prohibited substance regulated by title 13, chapter 34.
D. The division shall employ the services of the office of administrative hearings to conduct hearings on matters requested to be heard by the director or the commission for the division except for those rehearings that are required by the terms of this chapter to be conducted by the commission. Any person adversely affected by a decision of a steward or by any other decision of the division may request a hearing on the decision. The decision of the administrative law judge becomes the decision of the director unless rejected or modified by the director within thirty days. The commission may hear any appeal of a decision of the director in accordance with title 41, chapter 6, article 10.
E. The division may visit and investigate the offices, tracks or places of business of any permittee and place in those offices, tracks or places of business expert accountants and other persons as the division deems necessary for the purpose of ascertaining that the permittee or any licensee is in compliance with the rules adopted pursuant to this article.
F. The division shall establish and collect the following licensing fees and regulatory assessments, which shall not be reduced for capital improvements pursuant to section 5-111.02:
1. For each racing license issued, a license fee.
2. From the purse accounts provided for in section 5-111, a regulatory assessment to pay for racing animal medication testing, animal safety and welfare.
3. From each permittee, a regulatory assessment for each day of dark day simulcasting conducted in excess of the number of live racing days conducted by the permittee.
4. From each commercial racing permittee, a regulatory assessment payable from amounts deducted from pari-mutuel pools by the permittee, in addition to the amounts the permittee is authorized to deduct pursuant to section 5-111, subsection B from amounts wagered on live and simulcast races from in-state and out-of-state wagering handled by the permittee.
5. for each advance deposit wagering provider license issued, a license fee.
G. The commission shall establish financial assistance procedures for promoting adoption of retired racehorses. The provision of Providing financial assistance to nonprofit enterprises for the purpose of promoting adoption of retired racehorses is contingent on a finding by the commission that the program presented by the enterprise is in the best interest of the racing industry and this state. On a finding by the commission, the commission is authorized to make grants to nonprofit enterprises whose programs promote adoption of retired racehorses. The commission shall develop an application process. The commission shall require an enterprise to report to the commission on the use of grants under this subsection. Financial assistance for nonprofit enterprises that promote adoption of retired racehorses under this subsection shall not exceed the amount of retired racehorse adoption surcharges collected pursuant to this subsection. The commission shall collect a retired racehorse adoption surcharge in addition to each civil penalty assessed in connection with horse or harness racing pursuant to this article. The amount of the retired racehorse adoption surcharge shall be five percent of the amount collected for each applicable civil penalty.
H. A license is valid for the period established by the commission, but not more than five years, except for a temporary license issued pursuant to section 5-107.01, subsection F. The licensing period shall begin July 1.
I. A person may submit an application in writing that objects to any decision of track stewards within three days after the official notification of the decision. On application, the division or administrative law judge shall review the objection. In the case of a suspension of a license by the track stewards, the suspension shall run for a period of not more than six months. Before the end of this suspension period, filing an application for review is not cause for reinstatement. If at the end of this suspension period the division or administrative law judge has not held a hearing to review the decision of the stewards, the suspended license shall be reinstated until the division or administrative law judge holds a hearing to review the objection. Except as provided in section 41-1092.08, subsection H, a final decision of the commission is subject to judicial review pursuant to title 12, chapter 7, article 6.
J. The commission or the director may issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, records and documents relevant and material to a particular matter before the commission or division and the subpoenas shall be served and enforced in accordance with title 41, chapter 6, article 10.
K. Any member of the commission, the administrative law judge or the director or the director's designee may administer oaths, and the oaths shall be administered to any person who appears before the commission to give testimony or information pertaining to matters before the commission.
L. The commission shall adopt rules that require permittees to retain for three months all official race photographs and videotapes. The division shall retain all photographs and videotapes that are used as evidence in an administrative proceeding until the conclusion of the proceeding and any subsequent judicial proceeding. All photographs and videotapes must be available to the public on request, including photographs and videotapes of races concerning which an objection is made, regardless of whether the objection is allowed or disallowed.
M. The director may establish a management review section for the development, implementation and operation of a system of management reports and controls in major areas of division operations, including licensing, workload management and staffing, and enforcement of this article and the rules of the commission.
N. In cooperation with the department of public safety, the director shall establish a cooperative fingerprint registration system. Each applicant for a license or permit under this article or any other person who has a financial interest in the business or corporation making the application shall submit to fingerprint registration as part of the background investigation conducted pursuant to section 5-108. The cooperative fingerprint registration system shall be maintained in an updated form using information from available law enforcement sources and shall provide current information to the director on request as to the fitness of each racing permittee and each racing licensee to engage in the racing industry in this state.
O. The director shall develop and require division staff to use uniform procedural manuals in the issuance of any license or permit under this article and in the enforcement of this article and the rules adopted under this article.
P. The director shall submit an annual report containing operational and economic performance information as necessary to evaluate the department's budget request for the next fiscal year to the governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, the president of the senate and the secretary of state not later than September 30 each year. The annual report shall be for the preceding fiscal year and shall contain performance information as follows:
1. The total state revenues for the previous fiscal year from the overall pari-mutuel handle with an itemization for each horse racing meeting, each harness racing meeting, each advanced deposit wagering permittee and each additional wagering facility.
2. The total state revenues for the previous fiscal year from the regulation of racing, including licensing fees assessed pursuant to subsection F of this section and monetary penalties assessed pursuant to section 5-108.02.
3. The amount and use of capital improvement funds pursuant to section 5-111.02 that would otherwise be state revenues.
4. The number of licenses and permits issued, renewed, pending and revoked during the previous fiscal year.
5. The investigations conducted during the previous fiscal year and any action taken as a result of the investigations.
6. The division budget for the immediately preceding three fiscal years, including the number of full-time, part-time, temporary and contract employees, a statement of budget needs for the forthcoming fiscal year and a statement of the minimum staff necessary to accomplish these objectives.
7. Revenues generated for this state for the preceding fiscal year by persons holding racing meeting and advanced deposit wagering permits.
8. Recommendations for increasing state revenues from the regulation of the racing industry while maintaining the financial health of the industry and protecting the public interest.
Q. The commission may certify animals as Arizona bred or as Arizona stallions. The commission may delegate this authority to a breeders' association it contracts with for these purposes. The commission may authorize the association, racing organization or division to charge and collect a reasonable fee to cover the cost of breeding or ownership certification or transfer of ownership for racing purposes.
R. The commission may obtain the services of the office of administrative hearings on any matter that the commission is empowered to hear.
S. The division may adopt rules pursuant to title 41, chapter 6 to carry out the purposes of this article, ensure the safety and integrity of racing in this state and protect the public interest. END_STATUTE
Sec. 3. Title 5, chapter 1, article 1, Arizona Revised Statutes, is amended by adding sections 5-119 and 5-120, to read:
START_STATUTE5-119. Geofencing; racetrack enclosures; additional wagering facilities
A. All racetrack enclosures and additional wagering facilities that are licensed to accept wagers shall use a geofence system to dynamically monitor the physical location of patrons attempting to place wagers on mobile wagering platforms.
B. The geofence system shall perform a geolocation check before the placement of a wager in an authorized session.
C. The geofence system shall perform recurring geolocation checks throughout a patron's authorized session.
d. Wagers placed through a mobile wagering platform at a racetrack enclosure or additional wagering facility shall be treated as a wager made by the patron on the grounds of the racetrack enclosure.
E. The racetrack enclosure, the additional wagering facility or the geofence provider shall provide access to real-time geofence data to the department and commission. END_STATUTE
START_STATUTE5-120. Advanced deposit wagering provider; licensure; application; fee
A. The department may issue an advance deposit wagering provider license to a person or entity that wishes to conduct advance deposit wagering. The person or entity shall apply for a license by submitting an application on a form prescribed by the department.
B. The department may charge a fee for an advance deposit wagering provider license as established by the division pursuant to section 5-104.
c. An advance deposit wagering provider licensee that meets the requirements of section 5-112 may take advanced deposit wagers.
D. The holder of an advance deposit wagering provider license is subject to the penalties prescribed for any violation of the law relating to this chapter. END_STATUTE