85R7369 KJE-F By: Dale H.B. No. 1779 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT relating to the authority of the Department of Public Safety to obtain and use criminal history record information for the purpose of performing certain departmental functions. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 411.0891(a), Government Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) Subject to Section 411.087, the department is authorized to obtain and use criminal history record information maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation or the department that relates to a person who: (1) is an applicant for or holds a Capitol access pass issued by the department under Section 411.0625; (2) is an applicant for or holds a license to carry a handgun issued by the department under Subchapter H or is an applicant for or holds a certification as a qualified handgun instructor issued by the department under that subchapter; (3) [registration issued by the director under Subchapter C, Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code, that authorizes the person to manufacture, distribute, analyze, or conduct research with a controlled substance; (2)] is an applicant for or holds a chemical precursor transfer permit issued by the director under Section 481.078, Health and Safety Code; (4) [(3)] is an applicant for or holds a chemical laboratory apparatus transfer permit issued by the director under Section 481.081, Health and Safety Code; (5) is an applicant for or holds a license to operate as a dispensing organization issued by the department under Chapter 487, Health and Safety Code, or is an applicant for or holds a registration as a director, manager, or employee of a dispensing organization issued by the department under that chapter; (6) is an applicant for or holds any private security license, registration, or commission issued by the department under Chapter 1702, Occupations Code; (7) [(4)] is an applicant for certification by the department as an inspection station or an inspector under Subchapter G, Chapter 548, Transportation Code, holds an inspection station or inspector certificate issued under that subchapter, or is the owner of an inspection station operating under that chapter; or (8) [(5)] is an applicant for approval or has been approved as a program sponsor by the department under Chapter 662, Transportation Code, is an applicant for certification by the department as an instructor under that chapter, or holds an instructor certificate issued under that chapter. SECTION 2. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2017.