By: Schwertner, Nichols, Powell S.B. No. 1728 (In the Senate - Filed March 11, 2021; March 26, 2021, read first time and referred to Committee on Transportation; April 19, 2021, reported adversely, with favorable Committee Substitute by the following vote: Yeas 9, Nays 0; April 19, 2021, sent to printer.)Click here to see the committee vote COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR S.B. No. 1728 By: Seliger A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT relating to the equalization for road use consumption for alternatively fueled vehicles imposed at the time of registration or registration renewal; authorizing a fee. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 502.198(a), Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) Except as provided by Sections 502.058, 502.060, 502.1911, 502.192, 502.356, [and] 502.357, and 502.360 and Subchapter H, this section applies to all fees collected by a county assessor-collector under this chapter. SECTION 2. Subchapter G, Chapter 502, Transportation Code, is amended by adding Section 502.360 to read as follows: Sec. 502.360. EQUALIZATION FOR ROAD USE CONSUMPTION FOR ALTERNATIVELY FUELED VEHICLES. (a) In this section: (1) "Alternatively fueled vehicle" means a motor vehicle that is capable of being powered by a source other than gasoline or diesel fuel. (2) "Conventionally fueled vehicle" means a motor vehicle that is capable of being powered only by gasoline or diesel fuel. (3) "Hybrid electric vehicle" means a motor vehicle, including a plug-in hybrid electric motor vehicle, that is capable of being powered by both electricity and gasoline, diesel, or another type of fuel. (4) "Natural gas vehicle" means a motor vehicle that is capable of being powered only by compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas as fuel. (b) In addition to other fees authorized under this chapter, at the time of application for registration or renewal of registration of an alternatively fueled vehicle, other than a vehicle subject to a fee under Subsection (c) or (d), the applicant shall pay an additional fee according to the gross weight of the vehicle, as follows: Weight Classification in pounds Fee Schedule 0-6,000 $200 6,001-10,000 $250 (c) In addition to other fees authorized under this chapter, at the time of application for registration or renewal of registration of a hybrid electric vehicle, the applicant shall pay an additional fee according to the gross weight of the vehicle, as follows: Weight Classification in pounds Fee Schedule 0-6,000 $40 6,001-10,000 $50 (d) In addition to other fees authorized under this chapter, at the time of application for registration or renewal of registration of a natural gas vehicle, the applicant shall pay an additional fee in an amount equal to the difference between the amounts calculated under Subsections (e)(1) and (2) for that class of vehicle. (e) The department shall, for each class of natural gas vehicle, calculate: (1) the average annual amount of taxes imposed under Chapter 162, Tax Code, that a conventionally fueled vehicle of that class would pay; and (2) the average annual amount of taxes imposed under that chapter that a natural gas vehicle of that class would pay. (f) The department shall review and update the fee calculated under Subsection (e) at least once every five years. (g) Fees collected under this section shall be deposited to the credit of the state highway fund. (h) The board shall adopt rules necessary to administer this section. SECTION 3. This Act takes effect September 1, 2021. * * * * *