By: Parker, Blanco S.J.R. No. 74 (In the Senate - Filed March 6, 2023; March 16, 2023, read first time and referred to Committee on Water, Agriculture & Rural Affairs; April 18, 2023, reported adversely, with favorable Committee Substitute by the following vote: Yeas 8, Nays 0; April 18, 2023, sent to printer.)Click here to see the committee vote COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR S.J.R. No. 74 By: Hancock SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the creation of the centennial parks conservation fund. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Article III, Texas Constitution, is amended by adding Section 49-e-1 to read as follows: Sec. 49-e-1. (a) The centennial parks conservation fund is established as a trust fund outside the treasury. In accordance with general law, the fund may be used only for the creation and improvement of state parks. (b) The centennial parks conservation fund consists of: (1) money appropriated to the fund; (2) money transferred or deposited to the credit of the fund by general law; (3) investment earnings and interest earned on amounts credited to the fund; and (4) gifts, grants, and donations received for the fund. (c) The legislature may appropriate money from the centennial parks conservation fund to the Parks and Wildlife Department or the department's successor in function for the purposes prescribed for the fund by this section and general law. (d) For purposes of Section 22, Article VIII, of this constitution: (1) money in the centennial parks conservation fund is dedicated by this constitution; and (2) an appropriation of state tax revenues for the purpose of depositing money to the credit of the fund is treated as if it were an appropriation of revenues dedicated by this constitution. SECTION 2. This proposed constitutional amendment shall be submitted to the voters at an election to be held November 7, 2023. The ballot shall be printed to permit voting for or against the proposition: "The constitutional amendment providing for the creation of the centennial parks conservation fund to be used for the creation and improvement of state parks." * * * * *