10Mar2022... 0406h
04/28/2022 1696s
AN ACT relative to the off-label use of prescription drugs and relative to pharmacy prescriptions.
SPONSORS: Rep. Cross, Merr. 3; Rep. Yakubovich, Merr. 24; Rep. Aron, Sull. 7; Rep. Blasek, Hills. 21; Rep. Potucek, Rock. 6; Rep. Layon, Rock. 6
COMMITTEE: Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs
This bill clarifies circumstances under which a physician, physician assistant, and advanced practice registered nurse may prescribe a drug for an off-label indication. The bill also prohibits disciplinary action against a pharmacist for filling a valid prescription for off-label use.
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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.
Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]
Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.
10Mar2022... 0406h
04/28/2022 1696s 22-2514
In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Twenty Two
AN ACT relative to the off-label use of prescription drugs and relative to pharmacy prescriptions.
Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:
1 New Paragraph; Physicians and Surgeons; Disciplinary Action; Off-Label Use of Prescription Drug. Amend RSA 329:17 by inserting after paragraph VI-a the following new paragraph:
VI-b. The state of New Hampshire confirms its strong support for shared decision making between healthcare professionals and their patients. A licensee may lawfully prescribe an FDA approved drug product for an off-label indication where there is sound scientific medical evidence or when the licensee has provided and documented informed consent for the patient including a disclosure that a prescription is for an off-label indication. The standardized form for informed consent shall be approved by the board of medicine. A licensee shall be held to the same standard of care as when prescribing for on-label indications.
2 New Paragraph; Nurse Practice Act; Advanced Practice Registered Nurse; Disciplinary Action; Off-label Use of Prescription Drug. Amend RSA 326-B:37 by inserting after paragraph III the following new paragraph:
III-a. The state of New Hampshire confirms its strong support for shared decision making between healthcare professionals and their patients. A licensee may lawfully prescribe an FDA approved drug product for an off-label indication where there is sound scientific medical evidence or when the licensee has provided and documented informed consent for the patient including a disclosure that a prescription is for an off-label indication. The standardized form for informed consent shall by approved by the board of nursing. A licensee shall be held to the same standard of care as when prescribing for on-label indications.
3 New Section; Physician Assistant; Disciplinary Action; Off-label Use of Prescription Drug. Amend RSA 328-D by inserting after section 6 the following new section:
328-D:6-a Off-label Use of Prescription Drugs; When Permitted. The state of New Hampshire confirms its strong support for shared decision making between healthcare professionals and their patients. A licensee may lawfully prescribe an FDA approved drug product for an off-label indication where there is sound scientific medical evidence or when the licensee has provided and documented informed consent for the patient including a disclosure that a prescription is for an off-label indication. The standardized form for informed consent shall be approved by the board of medicine. A licensee shall be held to the same standard of care as when prescribing for on-label indications.
4 New Section; Pharmacists and Pharmacies; Prescriptions. Amend RSA 318 by inserting after section 13 the following new section:
318:13-a Filling of Prescriptions. No licensed pharmacist shall face non-disciplinary or disciplinary action by the pharmacy board for filling a valid prescription for an off-label use.
5 Construction of Chapter. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to legalize, constitute, condone, authorize, or approve suicide, assisted suicide, mercy killing, or euthanasia, or permit any affirmative or deliberate act or omission to end one's own life or to end the life of another other than to permit the natural process of dying.
6 Effective Date. The act shall take effect upon its passage.