88R17978 JAM-F By: Holland, Rose, González of El Paso, H.J.R. No. 138 Bell of Montgomery, Zwiener, et al. A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing a constitutional amendment providing for the creation of the Texas land and water conservation fund to assist in preserving critical natural resources in this state. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Article III, Texas Constitution, is amended by adding Section 49-d-17 to read as follows: Sec. 49-d-17. (a) The Texas land and water conservation fund is created as a special fund outside the state treasury. (b) As provided by general law, money in the Texas land and water conservation fund may be administered and used, without further appropriation, by the Texas land and water conservation board or that board's successor in function to provide funding for conservation and restoration of and public access to land, water, and natural resources. (c) Separate accounts may be established in the Texas land and water conservation fund as necessary to administer the fund or authorized projects. SECTION 2. This proposed constitutional amendment shall be submitted to the voters at an election to be held November 7, 2023. The ballot shall be printed to permit voting for or against the proposition: "The constitutional amendment providing for the creation of the Texas land and water conservation fund to assist in the voluntary protection of Texas' water quality, wildlife habitat, natural areas, and parks, while not increasing the rate of any taxes." If that amendment is not approved by the voters, this Act has no effect.