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July 31, 2018
Iziah Thompson
This Week in Congress: Trump VS Senate — Congress Quietly Helps Chinese Trade
How do you feel about trade laws passing unanimously without a debate, in the Senate? Well, this week a bill passed in the Senate just that way — very quietly. Iziah Thompson discusses in his segment, This Week In Congress. https://youtu.be/JINa-QFDlSM
July 31, 2018
Nisha Jain
US Reps Invest in Private Prison Corporations — Major Conflict of Interest!
It turns out that some Representatives who have had critical roles in incarcerating families — own shares in corporations that build and run the prisons in which the families are incarcerated! Is this an obvious conflict of interest? https://youtu.be/jgQcQTw3gOc
July 29, 2018
How To Use BillCam on DailyClout
BillCam is a tool that allows DailyClout users to search and embed legislation into their blogposts, articles, and websites. Think of it like “Google” for bills, but with the ability to link your search results to social media. Search for bills by keyword or bill number, and filter by state …
July 25, 2018
Naomi Wolf
New 5G Bill Pushed by Bipartisan Leaders Strips Your Local Right to Say No to 5G Rollout by Telecoms – AND Hands Over Local Govermment Buildings to 5G Towers at Less than Market Rents!
A bipartisan bill limits the powers that towns used to have to stop the rollout by Telecommunications companies of 5G. It also says that telecoms can place 5G transmitters on local government structures such as post offices and schools, and that the towns can’t even charge market rents! It gives …
July 22, 2018
Naomi Wolf
What’s Really in That Budget Bill? Huge Surprises! Student Loans Costlier, $7.1 TRILLION for Arms