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March 17, 2019
For those of you DailyClout community members who live in the Phoenix, AZ area, please check out the amazing Babe Council! This is how DailyClout loves to see grassroots activism—community-driven, but creative, cutting-edge and even fun. We’ve learned that if civic action is always heavy, people burn out, so we …
March 16, 2019
Ronald Wisner
Robespierre with Lipstick
Here is a simple question: If slavery is a 100% tax on one’s labor, what do you call a 70% tax? Such is the level of taxation envisioned by a young, idealistic freshman Congresswoman, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. How does this Congresswoman and her fellow travelers arrive at this number? How does Sen. Elizabeth …
March 11, 2019
Donald Jeffries
The Ever-Growing Gap in Income and Wealth
Since the publication of my book Survival of the Richest in July 2017, the bleak numbers I documented in terms of disparity of wealth have only grown worse. A recent paper from the Economic Policy Institute found that the top 1 percent of American families made an astounding 26.3 times …
February 26, 2019
Dr. Barbra Kingsley
What I Learned When I Ran (and Lost) For Tulsa City Council
There I sat at the end of a long night. It was just my husband and me sitting at a bar in downtown Tulsa. The bartender looked at me sadly and offered a shot. I’m not a shot person, but what the hell? This was a unique situation, and I …