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February 5, 2019

The Anti-BDS Bill—S1: States Urged to Report BDS Support to AG! This bill—S1: Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act of 2019—has passed initial hurdles in the US Senate this past week (Jan 30 2019). It gives Israel the power to jointly patrol US skies alongside NASA and creates a joint Israel Space Agency/NASA anti-drone and satellite program, also allowing …

January 11, 2019

OPINION — Marjorie Cohn: “If Trump Declares a National Emergency, He’ll Be Breaking the Law”

Congress refuses to enact legislation containing the nearly $6 billion that Donald Trump is demanding for an unnecessary wall on the southern US border. In response, Trump is considering whether to declare a national emergency, take money Congress has appropriated for other purposes, and divert it to build his wall. …

January 9, 2019

The Green New Deal ASTONISHES – Vast $$ for VCs, “New Banks”, Fed Reserve, Nat’l “Smart Grid”, No Oversight

Here’s the deal with the Green New Deal. We actually READ the #GreenNewDeal. Watch the video above to walk through the staggering details with Dr. Naomi Wolf. It’s NOT a draft bill — it’s 11 pages of a Google doc with shocking surprises. It assigns a vast “wartime footing” level …

January 9, 2019

As Trump Orders US Out of Afghanistan, Notorious CIA-Backed Units Will Remain

Politicians and pundits alike have roundly criticized Donald Trump for stating he will pull our troops out of Syria and cut US forces in Afghanistan by half. James Mattis immediately resigned as secretary of defense, writing in a letter to Trump, “you have the right to have a Secretary of Defense whose views …

December 19, 2018

Fix Our Wealth Disparity Now: A Populist Manifesto

America has reached a critical turning point in terms of our growing disparity in wealth. Recent reports indicate that the world’s three richest individuals — Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett — have more wealth than do the bottom half of Americans combined.  To understand this disparity even …

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