America 101: A Brief War Powers Refresher
It’s the mission of DailyClout to help everyone everywhere demystify, understand, and then take charge of democracy. That’s a nonpartisan mission. In term of America, regarding the recent strike on Syria, we are reminding everyone in this little refresher, what our Founders decided, when it came to our making war. …
Trump’s Rush to Judgment on Syrian Chemical Attack: Illegal and Deadly
Via Truthout Donald Trump says the United States is about to bomb Syria, and Russia has vowed to shoot down US aircraft with missile defenses in response. With John Bolton, the new national security adviser and infamous enemy of the United Nations by Trump’s side, diplomacy is not in the …
What’s scary about TPP?
Trade Deals: What’s the plan? US stock markets have suffered significant declines in recent weeks as rising trade tensions and worries about tariffs consume multiple industries. And that is just the domestic response. Abroad, President Trump’s new trade policies are being referred to as a “trade war.” They have leaders …
Dirtier Air on the Way?
Here is a Wrap-up of Recent Important Legislation Of Which You Should Be Aware: Two House Bills Bills May Weaken Air Pollution Protections Rep. Keith Rothfus (R-PA-12) HR 1119 would affect power plants that generate electricity by burning coal refuse (a waste byproduct of coal) as their primary fuel source …
Is It Time To End The War on Drugs? Senator Cory Booker Thinks So.
If you want to see a Congressperson blush, ask him or her a question about marijuana. With four states (California, Massachusetts, Maine and Nevada) having legalized it last November — making that seven states and DC, where pot is now legal for recreational use — this is one topic that is becoming more and more unavoidable. …